FranceThe Netherlands (Benelux)GermanyItalyUnited KingdomUSA (West&East)CanadaSouth AmericaMaghreb
Français English
Business accelerator for your development in France, Europe and Abroad!

The life cycle of companies is very similar to that of human beings!

We assist you during phases 5 to 7:
  1. Concept
  2. Validation of the pre-requisites and Business plan
  3. First operational steps and building-up phase
  4. Phase of experimentation
  5. Local expansion phase
  6. Orientation and cross-cultural training phase
  7. International development
  8. Extention/ Diversification / Sale
from France to Francefrom France to Europe and the rest of the worldfrom Europe and the rest of the world to France
You are an innovative company with a real potential of development
  • Innovation requirements (Added values, patents, credibility,..)
  • What makes it different? new product, new concept new usage
  • Financial requirements, size, actual turnover, financing the export policy
  • Financial support (investment funds)
  • Management: Stable teams and involvement of the ceo/shareholders board
  • Open to export/global actor
  • Application of your concept abroad with real opportunities
You are a player in following areas:
  • Mobility: well-being infrastructures and equipment
  • Médical and Healthcare: e-health, biotechnology, Life sciences
  • Intelligent Technologies: Ecotechnologies, Innovative Energies
  • Energies : water, wind, sun
  • Luxury
  • Agro, food
  • Equipment goods and creative industries
Our customers Our customers
Market surveys on medical equipment, water purifying systems for Welsh and American institutions, search of a French distributor for a medical company. Partners Partners

Emerod Development
Nicole Lafrasse-van den Assem
4 rue Henri Barbusse
92190 Meudon. France

Tel: +33 (0)6 26 54 92 22
Skype: esmerald33